
Auditing.unx Universe has a difference of two hours time!

The Standard delivered Auditing Universe with SAP BO4.0/4.1 leave much to be desired. But the main things that needs to be resolved are time-related. Example: The local time is 12:55, but the registration in the audit table is 14:55. That is a two hour difference, can be very confusion especially for end users. To correct this little, but annoying problem do the following.  Replace the SQL statement, of the object "Event StartTime" Replace: ADS_EVENT.Start_Time by DATEADD(hh, DATEDIFF(hh, GETUTCDATE(), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), ADS_EVENT.Start_Time ) Do not forget to alter all depending/derived  objects/Filters. Use @select statements wherever you use ADS_EVENT.Start_Time. Like: object: [Event year]= datepart(yyyy, @Select(Events\Event StartTime))

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